Lynette McDonald, LCSW
EMDR Certified Therapist for Adults with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Family Issues and more
Special Expertise with Latter-day Saints
*Currently Accepting New Clients *

EMDR Therapy for Adults
Would EMDR Therapy be helpful for you?
Have you ever been confronted with anything that shook your world in a way that made everything feel permanently changed? If so, you’ve had trauma!
EMDR Therapy helps when you’ve had trauma and you still feel the effects.
Trauma can affect you even if you think you’ve “moved on“ and even if it happened long ago when you were a small child.
Trauma can emotionally change you and shape your view of yourself, others, and Life itself in a negative way that limits your life. Have you tried to change your “negative thoughts” using self-help or therapy but have not gotten very far?
EMDR Therapy can also help when you have an issue that other kinds of therapy haven’t helped much.
Why would EMDR Therapy be helpful? Because
Trauma is at the root of most emotional problems. When you deal with the root, you heal from the emotional problem.
EMDR Therapy is an effective, evidence-based, yet gentle way to deal with the root and help you heal.
Why EMDR Therapy with me?
I had EMDR therapy myself and experienced a deep and lasting positive change, and
Since 2007, using EMDR Therapy I have helped hundreds heal from trauma at the root of their anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more.
I am a Certified EMDR Therapist. Let me help you heal and be free from the effects of trauma.
P.S. Do I always use EMDR Therapy? Not always. I will recommend the therapy that I feel will be most helpful to you. Then, we’ll decide together how to proceed to help you best meet your goals.
Therapy for Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints*
Life’s stresses and challenges can trigger mental health problems for anyone, including Latter-day Saints.
The relationship between client and therapist is the “secret ingredient” that can make all the difference in how much therapy helps, and an LDS therapist is often the best fit.
If you’re LDS, I can understand where you’re coming from. I am LDS, too.
I already understand our shared LDS culture. (You won’t have to keep explaining.)
Knowing I’m LDS may help you feel comfortable enough to even start therapy, especially if you’re anxious!
When we meet online, you’ll learn for yourself that I won’t judge. We can talk about ANYTHING.
I will be supportive. You will make progress.
Our therapeutic relationship will grow & have that “secret ingredient” that makes therapy effective!
You will see what a difference therapy can make!
*PS-I am also happy to work with people of other faiths—or none. Try me—you’ll see.
Counseling for Returned LDS Missionaries
Adjusting to post-missionary life is a challenge for all missionaries,
but for some, it is especially challenging.
For some, priesthood blessings and talking it out with parents and priesthood leaders may not be enough.
For some, professional counseling can make a crucial, even life-saving difference.
I provided counseling to missionaries in my role as Area Mental Health Advisor, Philippines Area, for 22 months from 2019-2021 as a full-time missionary living in the Philippines, and as a service missionary for 8 months in 2022 after I returned home.
I have counseled over 800 struggling missionaries, including Americans,
and informally kept in touch with many after they returned home.
This has especially qualified me and given me insight
into how to help them adjust successfully.
My experience has also given me the wisdom to know when a returning young man or woman needs more than just help to adjust, but also needs mental health therapy for a clinical problem, such as Major Depressive Disorder or PTSD.
I can also provide this treatment, using the skills developed in my 20+ years as a psychotherapist, and I also know when to refer for psychiatric medication or a higher level of care if it is needed.
I can help YOU, my returned missionary friend, or the returned missionary that you so dearly love.
I’m as close as your phone or computer.
I can meet with you online wherever you are in Arizona or California.
Click the box and let’s talk.